The B
lack Madonna is calling us to awaken. She is the presence that whispers in our ears encouraging us to look deep into ourselves for truth. She is the archetype that is embracing the world at this moment requiring us to fully incarnate and to be grounded in our bodies. She is asking us to be in relationship with one another and with our mother earth so that we can bring about the changes that are so desperately needed in this world.
The Black Madonna, typically represented as a dark and sometimes black madonna statue, most often holding a child, but not always, is found in many parts of Europe. Some think she is black simply because of the wood she was carved from, others think it is because she got blackened with soot from fire. However, neither of these explain the truth of the Black Madonna. She is black because she represents the dark fertile soil of the earth and she is black because she represents our unconscious selves. She also represents the void, the seat of creation where all things come from. And the child on her lap, is the symbol of the newborn consciousness that is birthed through the
initiatory rites of the Black Madonna.Learning or studying about her through the intellect is not a path to really knowing who she is as an archetypal force. To truly know her is to experience her. To surrender your self to her power and let her guide you through profound transformation. It is the only way to truly understand the Black Madonna.
We have become so disconnected from nature, never being fully present in our bodies and sinking our roots into the earth for our nourishment. Instead we have been in co- dependent relationships whether it be with one another or with substances that give us a false sense of security and sustenance. The Black Madonna guides us through our grief, our fears and the trauma that has prohibited us from growing our roots and establishing authentic relationships with the natural world and with one another.
I first encountered the Black Madonna on a trip to France 15 years ago. Prior to the trip, I had been noticing the feeling of standing back from life. I didnʼt feel like I was truly experiencing life in a way that was passionate and I basically felt really disconnected. After being woken by a dream where I was frantically running through the streets of a foreign land and hid inside an unlit cathedral finding refuge, I intuitively knew this foreign land was France and that for some reason I was being called there. It was only a matter of months that I had my bags packed, anxious to discover what was there for me.
I went from cathedral to cathedral visiting the many statues of the Black Madonna and would pray for guidance, leaving my offerings and gratitude still not quite understanding why I had been called to France or even who the Black Madonna was. It was in a tiny church, far away from any city and out on a winding country road that I stared into the knowing eyes of the Black Madonna asking the question, “what is it that you are asking of me?”. It was as if a lightening bolt went through my heart, clearing my throat that had previously been swollen and congested and bringing tears to my eyes. I felt my heart open to all the world and in that moment began the most powerful initiation of my life.
For years following this experience, I journeyed deeper into my soul than I ever thought imaginable. I surrendered to Her, allowing every grief and every trauma to surface so that I could go through it, heal it and become free. Because the Black Madonna is the creative force that is our sexuality, I spent many years exploring my sexuality and the distorted beliefs I held as well as trauma that was not just my own, but the collective wounding of the feminine. I wanted to understand, not just for myself, but for all of humankind, why sex had become an area of control, fear, and abuse. I wanted to understand the wounding behind those drawn to S&M so that I could someday help to free them. I wanted to experience the power of gentleness and compassion that could heal sexual abuse and free myself and others from the shame that is often held deep in our souls. I wanted to bring my own sexuality to a place of sacredness where I could experience divine union. With every step I took, the Black Madonna was there, guiding me and shining the light in my darkest corners. Her eyes that held such compassion and wisdom provided me with a sense of love, security and incredible acceptance while I journeyed through the deepest parts of myself.
This was an initiation of feeling and becoming alive in my body. There is no other way through this journey than to feel and that means all of the pain and grief and fear that we have turned away from leaving us so disconnected from the nourishing elements of our mother earth. It is an initiation that can make us feel like we are going crazy as we encounter one threshold after another, bringing up feelings such as betrayal, rejection, victimization, and abandonment. But without moving through these feelings, we are never able to heal and to experience the passionate joy that is found when we live fully in our bodies and with our roots sunk deep in to our mother earth. We are never able to embody our creative forces that are instrumental in providing us with nourishment and the power to create our lives the way we would like.
This is why the Black Madonna is calling to all of us. She is not only guiding us to fully incarnate so that we may live passionate, creative lives, but she is inviting us to become active participants in creating a new world free from fear and control. She is the dark, rich fertile soil from which all things flourish. She is the force of nature that brings us through the seasons and the cycles of death and rebirth. She is the archetype that guides us to break through illusions finding truth and freedom. She is profound transformation.