Our striving for consciousness and enlightenment that has been at the forefront of the New Age movement has in a sense uprooted us from the earth, our lower chakras, and a place of deep feeling and passionate living. We continue to seek our answers from the light and turn away from the darkness and dangerously "lift" ourselves above any pain or thoughts viewed as negative. Why I refer to this as dangerous, is because in doing this, we create our lives from a false center, one that is not rooted in the earth, authenticity and truth. And from this place, we struggle to create the lives that we truly desire leaving us frustrated, confused and exhausted.
There is much richness found in darkness and as we enter into the darkest times of the year, I invite you to embrace it, to sit in the stillness and seek your answers from within the darkness. Darkness is the place where all things come from. It is the seed buried deep in the fertile rich soil gathering its nutrients through out the winter months and it's the depth of our soul where our untapped potential lives. As you embrace this time of year and your own inner sanctuary, you will find the return of light from within as the Winter Solstice nears and new ideas and wisdom begin to ignite your inner flame.
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